There might be an important concept here that’s hard to adopt. Something like: your body is the vessel that you’ve been allocated for the next many decades. You won’t be issued a new one if this one stops working right, so keep your future self in mind as you make decisions on how much time and energy to invest in maintaining it.
General • Sleep • Diet & Digestion • Bug Bites • Health Research • Covid • Cold & Allergies • Exercise
(not sure where to put this, but if you’re in an area they cover, I’ve heard really good things about One Medical. Update: it has now been acquired by Amazon.)
Advice: Keep all your own medical records — x-rays, blood results, vaccinations, etc. 
Advice: Keep all your own medical records — x-rays, blood results, vaccinations, etc.
The Best Sunscreen (for people who hate sunscreen)
The Best Sunscreen (for people who hate sunscreen)
Diet & Digestion
(See also: Food & Entertaining)
Colds & Allergies
Zinc Lozenges to prevent/shorten colds (or other respiratory infections, e.g. covid)
Zinc Lozenges to prevent/shorten colds (or other respiratory infections, e.g. covid)
Understanding Covid-19 (useful if you get it or don’t want to get it or want/need to talk to others about it)
Understanding Covid-19 (useful if you get it or don’t want to get it or want/need to talk to others about it)
Bug Bites
Health Research
See also: Women's Health & Wellness
Disclaimer: this content shouldn’t replace any professional advice — I am not a physician nor a nutritionist — your health is your responsibility.