I have made it my business to find people with special wisdom.
Nancy Joeckel (squarely one of My People) understands things about the body that very few do, and this is a case where the proof is in the pudding — she’s almost 80 and is so youthful in her body that I have started to rethink what aging might mean for me and my loved ones.
She has some material online and I think most people would benefit from trying out her very simple exercises. Some of my favorite “homework” assignments she’s given me are unlisted on her youtube channel, so I’ll check in with her to see if she would be willing to have me include them here, but I expect that even just picking an area to work on at random would be better than not trying anything at all.
She is still running her practice, so if you have any kind of issue that you think she might be able to help with (she works with elite athletes and dancers, but also people who have lost the use of parts of their bodies for a variety of reasons; she has experience with kids with developmental issues, and even animals, and is game to take on puzzles that she knows she might not be able to solve), I think it’s well worth booking a consultation to judge whether and how you could work with her.
(though of course proceed with caution: your health is your own responsibility)
A related discipline, with a significant pool of practitioners and on-ramps to becoming a practitioner (even for just your own child), and much stronger claims about the brain-body connection and the way that physical and mental developmental issues are tied together (from birth or through trauma), is called MNRI: Masgutova Neurosensorimotor Reflex Integration
I don’t like that it’s so salesy, but I think there’s something valuable there.