I think this is the place to start
(I access these via hoopla on my phone with my library card—completely free and never a waitlist)
Update: as of Jan 2024, hoopla has a bug where you can’t see a bunch of content when searching for it. Brené’s stuff is all missing, but if you click the link below on your phone, it should open in the app
If that doesn’t work, the top two are on Libby, again with a library card (there’s a 20 week wait at one of my libraries(!) but two others have copies immediately available— a good reminder to collect library cards!)
↩️ Click here to return to "Living Life Well" ↩️
2010 "The Power of Vulnerability"
2012 "Listening to Shame"
2019 Trailer for "The Call to Courage" on Netflix
Big list of videos from her website:
She has two podcasts:
Note: she has a remarkable set of guests on both podcasts (now exclusively airing new episodes on Spotify) and this can be a good introduction to their work, but if you’re primarily trying to get value from Brené and her research, I recommend listening to podcast episodes where she’s solo rather than interviewing someone else.
Update: someone agreed with me and Spotify now has a playlist of her favorite solo episodes.
(She’s also not what I would call “hard-hitting” in her interviews, so while she’s clearly done her homework, be prepared for some cringe-worthy adulation and missed opportunities to have experts answer difficult questions.)